Way too much to blog about.......Part I

Well I've done it again. I've procrastinated writing my blog and now I have so many fun things to write about I can't fit it all into one blog without making you all go blind. So here it goes: Part I! In August, Bart took off for a trip to Europe to compete in the Czech Republic, and also to teach a canopy course in Poland. I was very sad to not get to join him on this trip as Prague has become my most favoritest place EVER in the world! But alas, I stayed behind. It was a bit of a challenge for him because he'd never taught a canopy course in Polish before. But he must've done well because they want him to come back! And while he was off teaching, I was down in Zephyrhills learning! I participated in a SIS event (sisters in skydiving) where girls get together to jump, learn, and the more experienced girls can help less experienced girls grow and get excited about the sport. It was a really fun weekend and I even took a canopy course (for the second time) that onc...