
Showing posts from December, 2012

Christmas Time is Here...

Wow! Can you believe the Christmas season is here already? I can't! I realized that I haven't blogged since well before Halloween. Two holidays have since passed along with a good dose of LIFE in between! After returning from my Mexico trip in early October, Bart and I reconvened here in Florida and settled in for what ended up being 6 weeks or so without travel. As much as I LOVE coming home to California, it's so nice when we don't have to deal with airports for a while. We did, however, take a little road trip down south for Bart's birthday to do some SCUBA diving! I booked us an awesome suite at a fancy little hotel right on the water in Ft. Lauderdale, and we had two days of diving planned.  The first day we did 2 reef dives.  Reef diving in Florida is known as being not that great however, I always enjoy it! You don't get the abundance of life that you get in reefs elsewhere, but the fish you DO see are always so interesting and unlike any other fish I&#