
Showing posts from 2014

Bun in the Oven

I really can't even wrap my head around all that has happened since the wedding. Well, really, in this entire year!! Engaged, married, and pregnant all in one year - on top of EVERYTHING else in our lives! I'm exhausted. Oh. Yea. For those of you who don't know, we're pregnant!! Well, I am. Shortly after returning from St. Croix, my friend Alaina and I decided to surprise our friend Lindsay at her Ironman race in Augusta, Georgia! It was a pretty aggressive move. Augusta is about a 6 hour drive north, the race was on a Sunday and Alaina was officiating a wedding on Saturday, and we had to be back Sunday night. So that left us the night time to get there, day time to watch the race, and another evening drive home. But we made it! We successfully surprised our iron woman at the start of her race and completely caught her off guard. It was such a fun moment! We spent the day following her around, meeting her at various check points and ultimately winding up at the end w