
Showing posts from December, 2016

End of an Era

October proved to be one of the most pivotal months in Nocita family history. After 35 years, we said goodbye to 601 East Orange Grove Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. It's hard to believe I won't write that address again. Hard to believe it's no longer the home base for so many gatherings, holidays, and predictable comfort. The whole process happened relatively quickly, all things considered. One October it was a mere thought to sell the house and by the next, it was gone. It's hard to adequately describe the feelings that come with saying goodbye to so much history and so many memories. First steps, first words, birthdays, holidays, break ups, deep conversations, pool parties, home movies, dinners around the table, sibling fights, silly games, fire drills, weddings, funerals, and so much more. SO much more. It's the first place I called home, and the ONLY place I called home until I married Bart in 2014. The process of moving was bizarre. With only one week to cl


Well, I did it! I actually did it. Two months ago, but that's how blogging goes these days. After 5 months of training, I completed the Ironman 70.3 on September 25, 2016. The most difficult physical challenge I have ever put my body through, second to childbirth. This was such an incredible journey for me, both mentally and physically. As soon as training began, I was plagued daily with anxiety, fear, and constantly wondering whether or not I had made a huge mistake. I never contemplated quitting, but I frequently wondered if I would actually be able to complete it. There were ups and downs every single day, and poor Bart took the brunt of it! Shortly after the race, I posted my "Ironman Story" on my Facebook page which I'm going to share here. I am sure you have all read it, but I need it saved in the family blog! And it accurately sums up my feelings which were more clear two months ago, when I threw up my feelings all over social media. "I know some of my f