
Showing posts from August, 2017

Summer Fun

So hard to believe that summer is almost over! Didn't it just start!? We certainly didn't waste any of it. We packed it full of sunshine and adventures and made sure to really soak in our last summer with just the 3 of us. We kicked off the summer with a trip to North Carolina and Virginia to visit Lauren and Jason and to watch Bart race at Virginia International Raceway. What a trip! Gracie and I stayed with L&J in North Carolina and just hung out, visited the local science museum, and spent some long overdue time catching up. On Sunday, G and I drove an hour to Virginia to watch Bart race. As usual, Gracie was very helpful - always making sure Bart's bike was always tuned up and ready to go. Bart did really well and had a blast! I think it was my favorite track trip ever. VIR is such a cool facility and a great spectator track, so it made for a really nice time for us to be able to watch Bart and get some good quality time together. After we got back, it was time