Making History

I've grown a little concerned. January 2014 was arguably THE most fun filled, exciting month EVER.

And it's only January. The rest of the year has some big shoes to fill!

After settling back in from the holidays, we didn't really slow down. We had a visitor at TST. We've been partnered up the last few months with a YouTuber by the name of MizShift. Also known as Alex. He's done some video reviews of our products, and we wanted to get together with him to make some videos that would benefit both his channel and our business! It was so fun meeting this kid. And he is a kid! Just 20 years old but has created quite the following on YouTube with his various motorcycle videos. The few days he was here we had a blast at work filming the videos that have now gone on to gain over 16,000 views in total! Had I known, I would've worn some make up. :) I think it's safe to say it was a successful trip. And we're definitely looking forward to having some more fun with MizShift!

Shortly after that, it was off to California for me again! I realized it was my 4th trip to California in 3 months. Whew! But I couldn't miss running the Carlsbad Half Marathon with my Dad, Aunt Colleen, cousin Katie, and sister Kristy. I trained hard and was nervous/dreading this race for months. I've never been nor will I ever be a runner. But I knew I couldn't let this opportunity pass and not be a part of it. The weekend started out so wonderfully. We headed down to Carlsbad in the motorhome with Moggy in tow. She remained our marathon encourager and guru through the weekend. It was so nice to spend the day before the race just relaxing, playing with the kids, and having "meaningful conversation." (That's for you Dad!) My nerves began to ease as I chatted with Moggy, as well as my Dad and Kristy. They were so positive, I couldn't help but catch the bug! Race morning we were pumped and ready to go. And once that race started, the day that has become known as the "best day ever" began. You've heard us all describe it so many times, I won't say it all again. But I WILL say some of it. :) I never could've imagined that such fun would ensue. I will always recall with happiness the visions of my Dad running by the water stations, swiping a cup of water like he was an Olympic runner with the hugest smile on his face. Running by people and cracking jokes at their t-shirts. Pretending to run into tree branches. Just being a prankster the whole time! All the while keeping his pace and absolutely rockin' the run. I had some time with Katie that I will remember forever. She probably thinks I'm crazy. :) But it's probably the most time I've spent with Katie one on one in many years. And her positive attitude and encouragement was something I'll never forget. I watched Kristy never leave Colleen's side and keep her going when she was struggling. And Colleen powered through like she always does. She's no quitter! And it never stops amazing me that she's gone from cancer to marathon runner. We all rallied together to not just get through it - but to turn it into something absolutely life changing. That moment when we all crossed the finish line together will remain in my heart forever as one of the coolest moments of my life. Colleen said it best. A half/full marathon is an emotional journey from beginning to end. From the sign up, to the training, to race day, to post race day. It's spiritual, mental, and physical. It cannot be described to someone who has never experienced it. And I think when you do something like that with 3 people you love so deeply - 3 people who you never thought you'd share that experience with - it just makes it that much more unforgettable. I understand now why people get addicted! It grows a person in such uniquely profound ways. The jury is still out on whether or not it'll be my last. But for now, I'm still riding the high. :) And the fun didn't stop there! We managed to pull off the ULTIMATE surprise party for Kristy right after the race.We had initially planned a small surprise of a few friends and family as we figured we'd all be exhausted. But over the weeks of planning it turned into 25 adults and 15 kids! We were a little nervous, but it ended up being even more perfect than we could've ever imagined it would be. The joy, the laughter, the love, the hugs.....I hate to keep using the word, but it was...... perfect. A weekend I will never forget.

Upon returning from California I was pretty bummed out. I went from dreading that trip to absolutely mourning the end of it. But we'll always have the memories! And I didn't stay bummed too long because I knew we would shortly be leaving for our trip to Mexico. Check out part 2 of the January blog to see what went down in Cozumel! :) And enjoy Dad's incredible pics of race weekend as well as our final products from our week with MizShift!

 Best lunch ever :)

 Race Morning

 Cheering us on at mile 3!

 Running while holding a traffic pole is NOT easy.

 Mile 12 and feelin' good!

 13.1 Miles


 I LOVE this picture.

 Just a little gathering. :)



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