No Rest for the Wicked

Where does the time go?? The Kimgowskis have been trying to answer that very question as we continue to plow through this journey called life. So many changes have happened, are happening, and will continue to happen in our lives as the days fly by. Since my last post, I’m ashamed to say that we’ve pretty much done nothing but work, work, and more work! I’ve been struggling with this a bit lately. The Kimgowski name used to be synonymous with fun, adventure, and experiencing life to its fullest. We definitely seem to be slowing down and I’m having a hard time swallowing that reality. I don’t think it’s a permanent lull in adventure (it CAN’T be!), but it’s certainly a necessary one for this time in our lives. Continuing the growth of TST is in the forefront of our lives right now. We are preparing to move locations, once again. Only this time, we’re moving to a very large, very awesome building that Bart has purchased that will hopefully be TST’s home for the next 5+ years...