This is Life
So, it's come to my attention that it is June. JUNE! Are we really half way through 2018 already? Weren't we just ringing in the new year half asleep with a newborn and a 2 year old? Apparently. Now we have a nearly 3 year old and 7 month old! We're still half asleep, but I'm pretty sure that's the way it'll be for the next 18 years or so.
Life has certainly been busy, that's for sure. Although when I think about what busy used to mean and what it means now, there is a clear shift. These days our schedule looks more like a choreographed dance of who needs to be where and when rather than a loose outline of adventures and travel destinations as it once was. But you know what? This is life. This is our current adventure! While it often doesn't involve leaving a 5 mile radius for weeks on end, we are trying to savor the moments. Even the tough days are full of wonderful moments. That's been my mantra since emerging from the fog of postpartum depression for the second (and last!) time. I probably sound like things have been awful around here - I do have a tendency to be a bit dramatic. But the reality is, our life has been that much more enriched since Summer Jean entered it. Her personality is shining through more and more every single day. Her relationship with Gracie is possibly the most fun of it all! Gracie and "wah wah" have their own special bond that I pray, daily, will continue into adulthood.
The last six months have flown by and we've still managed to pack plenty in, even with 2 kids in tow. Trips to California, visits from family and friends, weekend getaways, and plenty of TST excitement has kept us busy and content. Business is booming and Erica has become a true fixture at the office. I'm so far removed from it all now, but it's been a blast watching her grow in her role as she takes on more leadership alongside Bart. Even though Bart decided to take the season off from racing, he's been getting in on some track days and utilizing it for a fun web series they've created showcasing their transformation of a little Yamaha R3 into a one of a kind super bike! This project has given Bart so much enjoyment and fulfillment - something that can get tough to achieve amid the day to day grind. If you haven't yet checked out the series on YouTube, go to the TST Industries channel. It's pretty fun to watch and read the comments of all the people as excited about it as he's been!
We've been trying to take plenty of time out of our daily lives to unwind and relax. Nothing like kids to make you appreciate some down time! Erica has a friend that owns a beach house in Daytona and Bart and I had our first night away together since Summer back in March. We then had the kids join us and had such a great time that we brought Mom and Dad out for Mother's day weekend! It's so cool to have an awesome house to utilize. Thanks for the hook up, E!
Another big cause for celebration this year was our purchase of a 10 acre property! We still have a long way to go in designing and building a home, but it's the first step in a process that has been a long time coming. I can hardly wait to move our family to a place where the kids and run and play in 10 acres of back yard. While we love our home on the lake, we've definitely out grown it. Stay tuned for exciting updates about the build! At the rate I'm blogging these days, the next one will probably come out when we're done.
As far as our day to day, Gracie wrapped up her first year of school at FUMC, she's continuing in her dance class, she started ISR again this last week, and will be doing some summer camps as well. She also now sleeps in a "big girl bed" and is potty trained! HOORAY! I never thought I would see the day, nor did I ever think I would be so happy to see a pile of poop in the toilet. Summer is growing like a weed, tipping the scale at 20lbs. She has 2 teeth, seems to be cutting several more at the moment, she's ALMOST crawling and sitting up unsupported, sleeping like a champ most nights, and babbles and coos (and slobbers) non stop. Aside from that, I'll just let the 5 million pictures tell the rest of our stories from 2018 thus far. I hope everyone survived the winter and is as excited for summer time as we are!

Gracie breastfeeding Lamby.

Looks like Summer had a case of the Mondays.

Lauren came to visit in February and Gracie had so much fun with "bunny" as she calls her. ;)

I'm not normally one to "flaunt" breastfeeding, but I took this photo after a really rough night with Summer. She was being so sweet to me while she nursed, as if she knew I needed it. I'm so glad I captured the moment. I'll always remember it.

Sunday Funday at Auntie "Aircums" house.

Kristy came to visit in March and we got some much needed sister time!

Bachelor night with Lindsay and Paul.

I had permission to include this photo. We celebrated Valentine's day this year by sealing our fate as a family of 4. I even got to make the snip! Best Valentine's Day present ever.

Beach house getaway.

The Rogowski Compound

First family photo in our new digs!

Erica's shrine to our fallen turtle. RIP Thurgood.

Baby shower at TST for one of our employees. Erica did such a beautiful job, as usual.

First night in her big girl "Anna Elsa" bed! She made the transition flawlessly. So proud of her.

Easter fun at Vo LaSalle Farms.

True to form, Gracie picked up ONLY the blue eggs.

One of my hair brained, desperate attempts to assist in sleep. It didn't work, but it provided some good laughs before I returned it.

Easter Sunday.

Summer's First Easter

We celebrated Easter at the Collective Church's brunch at a local bar. There was even a sermon, and plenty of vodka. Only in Florida! ;)

Sweatiest. Baby. Ever.

Gracie's ever changing, ever growing collection of crap she sleeps with. Definitely my kid! If you look closely, you can even see an Elsa bubbles bottle.

Gracie's class "piscurr" as she calls it.

Mernie's Bachelorette Party

When you're in your 30s and your parents still "wait up" for you...

Cousin time in California.

Potty Training

Bart was so sweet and gifted Dad with scotch and cigars for his birthday. They had some good bro time while Erica and I were at rehearsal.
After our first performance of CFCArts Icons show. It's so fun to have Erica in choir now. Our Monday night drives to rehearsal were some of my favorite times this year. Love you E!
Reprising my solo from my very first CFCArts show when I was pregnant with Gracie.

Mother's Day weekend at the beach house.
My accidental purchase turned into a pretty hilarious event.
Bart and the girls made me beautiful sunflower pots for Mother's Day!

Visiting Uncle TJ in Melbourne.
Summer's first solid food (avocado). She wasn't impressed.

Family bowling.

That's all, folks!
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