
Showing posts from October, 2012

Oh, Mexico...

Well, since our return from Europe we haven't had much down time! We always say our house here feels like a vacation home. But the pace we're running at these days, it's actually becoming a vacation home! You may remember that when I returned from Europe, Bart actually flew directly to Sacramento to close out the CRCPL season. He was pretty out of it, as you can imagine, but managed to still compete well and put on a good comp. He and the other guys involved in creating the series have worked really hard this past year to make the series a success, and they've done a great job. I often think back to our very first -ISM comp 2 years ago that Bart and I organized with some help from family and friends. It was a great time, but a total mess! Since he teamed up with the NorCal guys, they've really turned it into something awesome. People come from all over to compete! Great job guys! After Bart returned home we had a couple weeks to regroup. We caught up on work, sp