Oh, Mexico...

Well, since our return from Europe we haven't had much down time! We always say our house here feels like a vacation home. But the pace we're running at these days, it's actually becoming a vacation home!

You may remember that when I returned from Europe, Bart actually flew directly to Sacramento to close out the CRCPL season. He was pretty out of it, as you can imagine, but managed to still compete well and put on a good comp. He and the other guys involved in creating the series have worked really hard this past year to make the series a success, and they've done a great job. I often think back to our very first -ISM comp 2 years ago that Bart and I organized with some help from family and friends. It was a great time, but a total mess! Since he teamed up with the NorCal guys, they've really turned it into something awesome. People come from all over to compete! Great job guys!

After Bart returned home we had a couple weeks to regroup. We caught up on work, spent some time together, and even attended some social events. That's right, we hung out with OTHER people! Crazy, right? Two of our friends, Curt and Jeannie, recently got engaged. So they had a masquerade party at the dropzone to celebrate! It was a great time. And a few days later I joined Jeannie and some other lovely ladies at her home for a "passion party". I won't get into details about this. But let's just say it was a crazy night filled with a lot of inappropriate silliness! It was so much fun, and I met a lot of really cool girls that night. I've struggled to meet new people out here because I've just never been great at making friends (have I said this before?), and I live with my best friend! So why venture out? (sigh) But I've learned how much I miss having good friends around. Especially girls.  So I'm really making an effort, and meeting some fun people in the process!

At the end of September, I headed to California to join Lindsay and Amanda for a Carnival cruise to Mexico! I first made a quick pit stop into San Diego to see Kristy and the boys. I have to make sure the boys don't forget who I am!  It was a quick trip down and back as I had to get back for the cruise. 

So, this was intended to be a "fitness cruise". My friend and trainer from Menifee, Gonzalo, organized it and had a big group of people coming aboard for fitness and nutrition classes. I was pretty excited to get to work out with Gonzalo again as I've really missed training with him. But unfortunately, due to a green card issue, Gonzalo missed the boat! Ugh. :( Poor guy. I felt so bad for him. BUUUUTTTTTT, we were still on a cruise, right? So yea. We made the best of it! :) We even got in a little working out! But we definitely cut loose and enjoyed ourselves. It was so nice to be with my best friends just laughing, relaxing, and having a great time. Ensenada was a little overwhelming. I haven't been to Mexico in a long time, and forgot just how annoying the hustling can be! At one point I felt like a celebrity being mobbed by paparazzi. Only instead of shoving cameras in my face, it was bracelets, dresses, purses and beer. "ONLY $5!" "ALMOST FREE!" "BEAUTIFUL DRESSES!" "2 beers for $1!" AHHH!!! It was insane. Lindsay was their dream customer. Oooing and ahhing at everything, laughing with them, buying their items.....and Amanda and I were slightly less amused. :) But we had a fantastic Mexican meal, headed back on the boat and enjoyed the rest of the weekend. I really treasure those times with good friends where I can just let loose and be myself.  They just accept me for who I am. Which is a pretty unbelievable feat when you think about it. :) Thanks for the great time girls!

When I returned from the cruise, Bart met me in LA and we spent the day hanging out at Mom and Dad's. Bart came out for a build we did with LadyMoto.com. You may remember a few posts ago when I shared the link and showed my new avenue of advertising. I teamed up with an old friend of Mom and Dad's, Jan Plessner, who happens to be pretty involved in the motorcycle industry, and she's been helping me get GKA Industries out there in the lady world! So we met up at M1 Sportrider in La Habra where we had the owner of the shop do an install of our parts on a chick's bike! Girls installing parts on another girls bike. YEA! And Bart was on hand to make sure it all went smoothly. The idea was to promote the simplicity of the installation as well as the awesome, clean look that our parts provide. Overall it was a huge success and a really fun day. And it was so great to finally meet Jan in person!

We also, of course, had to make it down to Perris for a day of skydiving. Bart met up with some friends to do some flocking dives and I met up with Lindsay to do some fun jumps! Well, fun, until the TORNADO'S moved in. One thing I don't miss about jumping in Perris? Dust devils! Ugh. But we got 2 great jumps in and I even got to do a jump with Bart. Which rarely happens these days. It was nice to be back at Perris, but definitely felt weird. I enjoyed seeing some people I hadn't seen in a long time, but for many reasons, that dropzone is so tainted for me now. It's just so strange how a place can feel like home, and simultaneously feel completely foreign and uncomfortable. But we had a good time, and even got to grab a quick dinner with Nick and Lindsay at our FAVORITE Thai restaurant that we miss so much!

Whew. I'm tired from writing that! Basically, that week long trip home involved a trip to San Diego, Mexico, skydiving in Perris, and business in La Habra. I should also add that THE DAY AFTER we returned from this trip to California, Bart left for a weekend trip to Germany.  Yes, a weekend trip, for a motorcycle show. YIKES! We know how to get 'er done! But now, we're back in Florida enjoying 6 weeks or so at home. This last Friday night we even threw a BBQ! It was so great! We've been wanting to have some people over for a while since we know we probably will never get around to throwing a big housewarming bash. So a nice low key BBQ was perfect, and a great time for me to connect with some of my new girlfriends. :)

We have some fun things coming up including a visit from Bart's Dad and a SCUBA trip for Bart's birthday! Stay tuned and enjoy some fun pictures below. There's a lot of 'em! :)

 Bart accepting his award for "Most Consistent Accuracy" for the 2012 CRCPL.

 Masquerading with Al and Maxine.


 Fun times!

 The ladies of the passion party :)

 This is the awesome new 35 gallon tank we got for our turtle, Sampson. We also got him some friends. 3 algae suckers and a gold fish........who all died after about a week. :-( We're still not sure what went wrong! But Sampson seems just fine. Whew.

 Welcome aboard the Carnival Inspiration


 We embarked 3 hours before leaving the dock so we had some extra relaxation time :)

Enjoying the Lido Deck.

 What's a cruise without a little Asian tourist?

 And cue the auto timer.........the following are a mere handful of our action shot series........

 Our first night at dinner.

 See! We worked out! :)

 Just arrived in Ensenada. Let the chaos begin!

 This was just after we finished walking through the CRAZINESS of the main street. Needed a breather after that!

 Formal night!

 We made sure to hit up as many of the photo stations as possible. Most of the camera people weren't too happy about our antics. Good thing they don't know we sneaked a few snapshots of the photos instead of paying $20 a picture! :)

 Beautiful sunset leaving Ensenada

 We spent our "day at sea" parked in this spot, enjoying the beautiful sunshine!

 Lindsay got up on stage and participated in one of the contests. I think she was the only sober one up there.......

 With Jan at the Ladymoto.com photoshoot!

 Doing some interviews.

 This is a picture I took on our way home from the airport in Florida. This is easily my favorite thing about living here. The SPECTACULAR skies!

 I had to include this photo from Bart's weekend trip to Germany. He stopped by this Cathedral for a little sight seeing. I'm so sorry I missed it! Incredible!

 Hanging out with Natalie and Christa, some of my new girlfriends, at our BBQ.

 Uh oh. Let the shots begin!

 Bart was showing Natalie's son, Carter, how Sampson plays in his castle. :)

 Bart and Al......

 Bart drank quite a bit that night...

Nothin' like an ice cold Beck's after 8 shots of Vodka!


Launch the Lizard...

Jumping with Bart and Linz! (Sorry, couldn't get the video to embed!)


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