Another Openin', Another Show!

Is it March already? It sure doesn't feel like it! Seems like we were just ringing in the New Year talking about all of our plans for the year and already we're workin' on month THREE! Whew. The Kimgowski's have been busy as ever, and for a change we've been busy with our own separate lives! January and February were strange for us.  We're so used to spending our days and nights together, and for a period of time there we were hardly seeing each other!  Between work, Bart's swoop training, and my rehearsal schedule, we were finding ourselves having to PLAN time together. Whhhhaaaaa??? ;) It was an interesting growth period for us as this was new territory! 

The entire Jake's Women experience was so much fun. I grew so much as an actress and made so many amazing friends in the process.  Bart was very supportive of me and even read lines with me. :) The really awesome part was having my parents drive out for opening night! To date, they have never missed a single opening night since I started doing theatre as a child. 3,000 miles wasn't going to stop them! They made the trip out in their new RV and turned it into a nice, and much needed vacation. AJ even flew down from Nashville to join the party! Having them here was so much fun. We tried to squeeze in as much as we could in the short 5 days that they were here. They of course came to all of my shows that they were in town for.  But we were also finally able to show Dad Daytona Speedway in all its glory! A lifelong dream of his!  It just so happened that the weekend they were here, the Rolex 24 race was happening so Dad, Bart, and AJ went and had guy's day at the races while mom and I did what we do best....relaxed at the beach. :) We also got to show them around downtown Deland, show them our shop, do some fishing on our lake, and make some yummy, home cooked meals.  Fishing was definitely a highlight. It was tricky seeing as how the lake is mostly filled with bass, which are very hard to catch. Plus, it's the wrong time of year. But one unlucky fish managed to get hooked and of all people, Bart was the one to hook him! As a self proclaimed NON-fisherman, this was Bart's first catch EVER, and the only catch of the entire week! Watching his excitement as he reeled it in has become one of my all time favorite "Bart moments".  The week was filled with many moments like this as we spent time together as a family.  I wish they all could've stayed longer. There's still so much to do!

The day my family left I spent most of the day wallowing.  But there wasn't much time for sadness as it was time for swoop season!  Thankfully this year, most of the major swoop competitions are in Zephyrhills - just 2 hours south of us!  Which means that I get to come to a lot more of them and life will be much simpler for Bart.  February 2-3 was the first meet of the FLCPA and it was a great comp! Beautiful skies, and some great swooping. Bart was of course not thrilled with his results. But he has come such a long way with his skill and his attitude. His entire outlook on swooping has turned a complete 180 (pun intended) since he first started competing and it's been really fun for me to watch him grow in the sport. Everyone knows I don't give a flying $^&* (pun intended) how "well" he does. I only care that he is safe, has fun, and feels good about what he is doing.  These days, although he still hasn't reached his personal goal, his process and growth has proven to be a huge asset to who he is as a person.  And as hard as it is sometimes for me to support him in what he does (because it scares the daylights out of me), I'm working on doing a better job of being in his corner, because I see what a positive light swooping is in his life!  I'm really looking forward to coming to more comps this year and seeing him progress even more.

And now.............(drum roll please)...............the big announcement! As if you don't know! ;) Our niece, Alana Margaret Roblee, was welcomed into the world on February 21 and she is just as precious as can be! We aren't sure if her father is Juan Lopez, Afshin Anoushirav, Guiseppe Agostino, or Michael Roblee, but she sure is beautiful! I went to California to make sure I was there for the birth and well, how does that saying go? If you want to make God laugh, make a plan? Yea. That. Of course, little Alana decided she wanted to be several days late! So what started as a 5 day trip turned into a 10 day trip! But I am so glad I decided to extend my ticket.  Not only was I able to stay in San Diego and help Kristy with the boys as she was in her final days of pregnancy, but Kristy and Mike gave me the AMAZING gift of allowing me to be in the room during the birth.  I won't go into too much detail, but what I will say is, it truly was the most meaningful, incredible time of my life.  Watching Kristy labor naturally with such ease (well, she tells a different story), and bring this new life into the world can really be described with no other word than BEAUTIFUL.  I felt so honored to be a part of witnessing such an indescribable miracle.  It was a day filled with tears, laughter, hugs, and lots and lots of LOVE!  And truly a day I will carry with me in my heart forever.  Thank you Kristy and Mike for allowing me into your moment! 

Well, believe it or not, that is the SHORT version of the last two months.  There are so many pictures to tell the story I didn't want to bore you all with too much writing! Seriously. I think this blog holds the Guinness Book of World Records for most pictures EV-AR.  Many more fun times ahead and of course, plenty of chaos! Next blog I'll have a visit from my cousin Courtney, another swoop comp, and Easter! So stay tuned - love you all!

 A moment between Jake and Maggie.

A fan favorite. The "mimic scene!" 
 Opening night bow.

A little mingling with the patrons.

Here I am with Alexa, Sara, and David. Costars and also my new "circle of friends" here in Florida. I was happy enough to get cast in a show, I didn't expect to walk away with 3 amazing friends!

Some dropzone friends came out to support me opening night! Really sweet of them considering this isn't exactly their scene. ;) It meant so to me that they came. And even brought me flowers!

Thanks for coming out bro!
 Bart brought me flowers. :)

Opening night party at Brickhouse.

For 5 days, you couldn't see the front of our house! :)

AJ and Bart white trashin' it at the Rolex 24.

 Mom enjoying the beach.

Heading over to our cast hotspot, The Elusive Grape, for a drink after Saturday night's show.

Dad and AJ at the Grape.

Some friends from the theatre. AJ was definitely a hit with the ladies! As usual. ;)

On their way to the matinee on Sunday!

A little afternoon Bellini!
 The cast of Jake's Women. Great people!

Dad of course had to get some pics of us "in action".

Heading out for some fishing! We really need a motor...

"Anything worth doin' is worth doin' right!" - Jimmy Dugan

Bart's beauty!

Dad got us some new fishing poles for our second trip out on the lake! Pink and blue :)

Thought we'd try our luck out on the dock....but to no avail.

Take note of what's on the bench.  The Nocita's know how to fish RIGHT!!!! ;)

Bart and I cooked dinner and had our neighbors over to meet the fam. Bob and Fran have become our "Florida parents" in a way and have really helped us settle in. 

We had to take them to our favorite restaurant in town, Santorini. This is our favorite waiter who we've gotten to know well.  Except it became the running joke between Bart and me that we could NEVER figure out what his name is! So after nearly a year of wondering and being too embarrassed to ask, we put AJ on the task! He found out, and of course, I have already forgotten.  I am a horrible person.
 Bart got a chance to jump with Nick last time he was in California! I'm so jealous! I haven't been able to yet. But I just love this shot of him and David Gershfeld docking on Nick's new feet!

 I also had to share this picture of Nick at his graduation from Project Walk. If this isn't inspiring, I don't know what is!

Caption this.

Check out my new PINK ear muffs for the shooting range!
 Bart and I hosted the cast party for Jake's Women. Such a fun night! 10 great shows and a lifetime of friendship and memories.

Bart and I decided to do some more fishing after Mom and Dad left. Again, it was uneventful.....except for Bart catching the only fish! He sure knows how to hook 'em! Or there's just one REALLY dumb fish in the lake. :)

Tryin' for ONE more!

Bart giving himself a little "pre flight adjustment." FLCPA #1.

 Mikey caught some awesome lobsters for us that we enjoyed for a surf and turf lunch! Thanks Mikey!

 Sorry Kris - I had to do it! This just cracked me up!

 Staying with the Roblees for an entire week was really fun as I got to see how they operate on a daily basis.  They really are a great example of parenting. I particularly loved Dane and his chore list. So cute :)

 Enjoying the beautiful day watching the kids ride bikes on the cul-de-sac.

 Tired Kimmy!

 What are Gampa's for? :)

Mike coaching Dane's baseball team.  Uh, who let the 12 year old into practice?

He looks like such a little pro!

 Nuggles with Ryan.

Workin' on his skills with Gampa.

 Would you guess she popped out a baby a half hour before this?

 Alana Margaret Roblee/Lopez/Anoushirav/Agostino

 I just love this picture!

Bart has been working with me a bit on my tracking skills and I finally got it! This was my first time docking on a tracking dive so I had to share!

Poor RyRy was so sick, but we couldn't resist taking this hilariously cute video! Don't worry. We eventually helped him. :)
 Magic Gampa!

Bart swooping the distance course.



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