Way too much to blog about.....Part Deux

Whew! Here we go!

So - September ended with a bang! After getting back from Canada, it was just a couple weeks til we were off to California for Lauren's wedding! I have to say, that 10 days home was 10 of the best days I've had in a very long time. There was just something about all of the time with friends and family that just had me beaming with happiness all week. It started off with a trip to Palm Springs for Lauren's bachelorette. We only had 2 days but it was such an awesome 2 days of relaxing by the pool, deep conversations, not so deep conversations, and plenty of hashtags, alcohol and food. :) We even had Alana along for the ride! Youngest girl to ever attend a bachelorette party I think. She was a delight!

The rest of the week only contained more wedding fun complete with a spa day gifted to us by Lauren. It was very odd, very Korean, but very enjoyable! We had a lot of laughs too. The rehearsal and dinner were also not lacking in fun and laughter. I'm pretty sure us girls created a bit of a ruckus (is that right Mom?), but that's what we do!

And of course the wedding. Ahhhh the wedding. What a day!!! Kristy and Mernie did the flowers and they did such a GORGEOUS job. The colors and the flower choices so beautifully matched the scenic background filled with sail boats and a breathtaking sunset. It was a magical night. I honestly don't think I've ever seen Lauren smile so much. It was kind of an emotional day for me in a way I didn't expect it to be. I felt so happy for both Lauren and Jason, but also a strange feeling of sadness? That's not the right word, really. But it felt very "end of an era." I guess it just made it abundantly clear that we are growing up! And I'm so excited about that! But there's something sort of oddly sad about it too. But, I held myself together amidst the weird sadness and brutal cold that slammed me that day, and tried to soak up every moment as I watched my best friend marry the love of her life. It was special, to say the least. So happy for both of you - and so happy to have been a part of it all!

Well, let's not forget that along with a trip to palm springs, spa day, wedding rehearsal and wedding day, there of course had to be a skydive into a high school stadium! Dad and I drove from Sierra Madre to Temecula on a Friday night at 5pm (yep, we did) to go watch Bart jump into a homecoming game dressed as James Bond! It was too cool! He had to wrestle the villain played by Paul (appropriate, no?), retrieve a key, and hand it to the man with the briefcase containing the name of the homecoming queen. It was cute - and awesome.

When we returned from our jam packed trip from California, the madness didn't stop! We had partially moved into our new building before we left but it was time to get settled. I think we have finally turned the corner! We're still working out some kinks with the new set up, but overall it's been awesome to have office space! Although, we've realized the warehouse space that we thought was more than enough, is quickly not gonna be enough anymore. (sigh) At least we have a year before we have to do it again! :)

On October 19, we celebrated Bart's 35 birthday! It was a bit tricky as the 19th fell on the day of a motorcycle expo we needed to attend, and it was also the day before Bart left for China and I ran a triathlon. Luckily, all of these things were in (or leaving from) Orlando. So, we made the most of it! After the tri expo and motorcycle expo, we checked into our hotel by the airport and went to have dinner at Bonefish Grill! It was enjoyable as always, and we even had a Polish waitress that I got to practice my skills on. She also wrote a sweet Polish birthday wish on Bart's cake. :) It was a fun night - but an early night! The next morning we woke up before the sun and I headed to my triathlon while Bart headed to the airport. I proceeded to rock my first tri and quickly realized that all my nerves leading up to it were completely unnecessary! I felt so proud of how I did. The trouble was, normally when I've done 5k and 10k races, there are hundreds to thousands of people. So I never try to win or anything. In my particular class of triathlon, there were only 20 people! So naturally, the competitive side of me took over. I ended up doing the 1/4 mile swim in 7:49, 12 mile bike in 50:40, and the 2.8 mile run in 25:54. What killed me was the dang bike! I learned my lesson to never again do this on a $99 Walmart mountain bike. Had I shaved 10 minutes or so off my bike time I would've placed in the top 3. So that's a bit aggravating. :) But I learned for next time. And it was an AWESOME experience! I convinced my friend Amanda to do it with me last minute! We kept different paces through the whole race but ended up finishing together! It was a sweet moment for sure.

As I recovered from my race, Bart sat on a plane for 18 hours headed to China. He had to go for a week to handle some business. Let's just say he had a less than great time. I personally have NO desire to go to China which is why I didn't join him. He soon realized I had the right idea. But, it needed to be done. His digestive system is still recovering from the abundance of fried random animal food! Every time we FaceTime'd it was like the Debbie Downer parade. I felt so bad for him. I wanted to be able to say, "I'm sorry. I'll go with you next time." But all I could get out was, "I'm sorry....." Poor guy. He was glad to get home!!!!

When he returned we squeezed in a couple fun date nights. Drinks at the beach, dinner downtown complete with flowers from the farmers market, and we went to see an old cast mate in her one woman show! Some of you may remember when I did Gypsy in Covina a while back. Colleen Ballinger who played Gypsy Rose is now the YouTube freak sensation "Miranda Sings" and she's made quite a career for herself traveling the world as her alter ego Miranda. So I couldn't miss seeing her when she came to Orlando! I ran into her sister after the show and asked her to send Colleen a hello. She came back a minute later and said, come backstage! So it was nice to get to have a few moments to catch up before she had to go greet her "Mirfandas". And there were a LOT of them!

The morning after Miranda we took off for New Jersey and New York! We needed to do some business in New Jersey so we decided to make a trip out of it. We stayed with Bart's cousins for a couple of days which was nice. We hadn't been to visit them in 2 years, almost to the day! So it was great to catch up with them. We always have a blast and drink WAAYYYY too much. :) It was fun to see how much their son has grown as last time he was hardly talking, and now he's chattin' up a storm! They made us some delicious food of course. I think I came back a size bigger just from the 2 days there! We also took a drive into Manhattan (at rush hour) to go see Phantom! I've been DYING to take Bart to that show for the longest time. Unfortunately it was probably the worst cast I've ever seen. Still amazing of course, just not up to MY par. :) But he didn't know any different - so he thoroughly enjoyed it!

And now, we've returned and are settled for all of two weeks before I leave for California again and Bart heads to Dubai! I swear, it just never stops around here. We're in for a rude awakening in 2015 when I have a baby! Or maybe this is good practice to run around like we're crazy and not get nearly enough sleep? We'll see. :) Enjoy the MANY pictures below. Some fun videos too!!!!

 Palm Springs!

 I got to share a marriage bed with the bride.

 Wi Spa. An unforgettable experience.

 The rehearsal dinner!

 My favorite moment of the wedding day!

 Some of the beautiful flowers and decorations by Kristy and Mernie. 

 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Jenkins!

 My favorite picture

 Here comes James Bond!

I mean, seriously. He makes that tux look GOOD!

 Dinner with Amanda :)

 Workin' on his office!

 The President's Suite

 An actual supply closet!

 Lots of upstairs storage!

 Motorcycle Expo

 They had a Quadski! A quad that turns into a jetski! SO cool.

 Happy Birthday dinner

 Moss Park - race morning! I don't think we could've had a more gorgeous day.

 We did it!

 Preparing to go into the "clean room."

 One of the many nasty things Bart ate. Squid on a stick.

 We didn't get nearly enough lake time this summer! But we managed to squeeze one afternoon in. Complete with our new, innovative anchor. A cinder block on a rope. 


 Deland farmers market

 Drinks at Mai Tai after a beach day in Daytona!

 Gorgeous sunset. I just LOVE Florida sunsets.

 Colleen (Miranda) and me.

 Traditional pic!

 My favorite thing about first class, besides the free drinks. These sandwiches seriously taste like Mom made them.

 Some morning stretching with Peter.

 Dinner before Phantom.

 Great seats!

I wasn't able to embed the video, and I blogged about this in part 1. But I put together a video of our jump in Vermont. Nothing crazy, just some pretty scenery and a little zoo dive. :)

Here is an AWESOME video Bart put together of his James Bond demo jump!


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