
Showing posts from 2015

Grace Teresa is Born

It's safe to say that life has changed in a significant way since my last blog post. I don't think either one of us knew just how much our world would be turned upside down after the birth of our first daughter. I don't know that anyone ever is truly prepared for this! But before too much more time passed, I wanted to be sure to put my thoughts down about the whole experience. I know this is something Gracie will enjoy reading when she's older, along with watching the video and seeing all of the gorgeous pictures. Once June arrived we were pretty much in the mode of the baby coming at any moment. The last few weeks of pregnancy were pretty brutal so I was definitely ready. Mom, Dad, Kristy, and the kids all drove out and arrived on June 25. It was so nice to have them here for a few days before the birth as it gave us some final time together before things got crazy! The kids were going out of their mind a bit being cooped up in the house so Mom and Dad did their best