
Showing posts from January, 2015

Home (#2) for the Holidays

The last 3 months of the year were pretty much a blur for me. My life consisted of morning sickness (aka all day sickness), fatigue, and generally just trying to settle into pregnancy amidst all the discomfort. It was a bit tough being so uncomfortable around the holidays but at the same time, it was nice to get to be around so much family during a less than lovely time. Bart wasn't able to make it out for Thanksgiving so I traveled solo. He did have someone representing him though. His long time friend Henry flew all the way from New York to spend Thanksgiving with us! It was such a fun treat. The family got to know Henry during our time in St. Croix and a friendship between them all grew very quickly. He was easily one of the most fun guests I think we've ever had around. So easy going, laid back, and just delightful. We all got such a kick out of watching him just blend right into the family - even with the people he hadn't met yet! All around, Thanksgiving was as awe