Home (#2) for the Holidays

The last 3 months of the year were pretty much a blur for me. My life consisted of morning sickness (aka all day sickness), fatigue, and generally just trying to settle into pregnancy amidst all the discomfort. It was a bit tough being so uncomfortable around the holidays but at the same time, it was nice to get to be around so much family during a less than lovely time. Bart wasn't able to make it out for Thanksgiving so I traveled solo. He did have someone representing him though. His long time friend Henry flew all the way from New York to spend Thanksgiving with us! It was such a fun treat. The family got to know Henry during our time in St. Croix and a friendship between them all grew very quickly. He was easily one of the most fun guests I think we've ever had around. So easy going, laid back, and just delightful. We all got such a kick out of watching him just blend right into the family - even with the people he hadn't met yet! All around, Thanksgiving was as awesome as usual. I always love the moment where we walk into the Heublein's house in the morning, before everyone else has arrived, with the smell of Thanksgiving food in the air and the soothing music Colleen always has on. It's such a comfy feeling that always makes me well  up a bit. This year the emotions ran a little higher as I soaked in the fact that next year, we'll have a new little baby at Thanksgiving! Thanks to everyone who made Thanksgiving happen, especially Mom and the Heubleins. I know it's crazy for you guys, but words cannot express how much it means to me (and I'm sure everyone else) to have traditions like that every year. In a world filled with change and inconsistency, I love that there are two days out of the year where I know exactly what to expect. Predictable awesomeness.

The time in between Thanksgiving and Christmas whizzed by. We did have some fun baby moments though. We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time and see our little babe at the 10 week ultrasound. That was easily one of the coolest moments of our lives, I think. It was surreal to see the little baby just wiggling around in there and hear such a strong heartbeat! I've really enjoyed my experience thus far with my midwife birthing center. They've been so supportive and so NORMAL about everything. I'm convinced now more than ever that midwifery care was made for people like me! They've really helped keep me grounded and always remind me that this is a really normal thing I'm going through, and I just need to go with the flow. Something I've never been good at! Perhaps now is the time to learn. :)

Christmas was just as wonderful as Thanksgiving but even better because Bart was there! I was also beginning to feel much better by then so it was easier to enjoy the time. It was a more laid back Christmas as well. Things just seemed to flow so calmly and nicely. We started Christmas Eve with our new tradition of hiking Mt. Wilson. It wasn't quite the same as the year before as it was the first exercise I'd had in a couple of months! But it was a beautiful day and nice to just get outside and move my body. That night, I joined Moggy, Mom, and Dad at a stunning Christmas Eve service followed by the traditional party at the Browns - always a good time! And Christmas day was relaxing and beautiful, but it went by too quickly! I was really happy though that we got to go up to Hastings again to see the lights in the motor home. I'm really enjoying that new tradition! The day after Christmas we also got a fun visit from the Feners. We played games all sorts and just spent some time catching up as we hadn't seen them since the wedding. Such a fun night! Just overall such a fun and much needed week of relaxation and family time.

We had a pretty quiet New Year this year, as usual. We didn't do our normal boat outing, but we did have some friends over to make pizza! And we finished off the night with some conversation around our new fire pit, just enjoying the evening, enjoying each other, and reflecting on all the blessings of 2014 - and the excitement to come in the new year! It was the perfect way to end such a fantastic year.

Well that wraps up 2014! 2015 started with a BANG so stay tuned for another blog coming up shortly!




 I got to spend some quality time with my bestest girlfriends! It's been over 3 years since we've all 4 been together.

 Traditional ginger bread house party!

Couldn't finish off the trip without a meal at Peppers!

 Getting what turned out to be the ugliest Christmas tree ever!

10 Week Ultrasound

 Mt. Wilson

 Party time at the Browns!

 Teaching Lindsay how to play Cribbage!

 I was lucky enough to be accepted into a professional singing group called Legacy! In December I got to sing my first gig with them.

New Years Eve pizza party!


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