
Showing posts from January, 2017

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Are the holidays really over? Didn't they just start!? Time is moving at speeds I can't quite keep up with. Even Bart, who always argues with me about the speed of time, seems to be feeling the effects of the wormhole we have been traveling down since Gracie was born. Some days seem never ending, others go by way too fast. But all in all, it's hard to believe that another year has come and gone. After our trip back from Thanksgiving, it took us a little while to recover. I was sick, Gracie was sick, and there was an overall malaise and exhaustion from travel and RV/airpline life with a toddler. Gracie continues to travel well, always ready for the next adventure! But the older she gets, the harder it gets to keep her entertained and still in the confines of an airplane economy seat. Thank you Benedryl! We didn't have much time to recover as we had to immediately hit the ground running when December came. I started off with a half marathon alongside my friend Sara B