
Showing posts from June, 2019

New Year, New Us

Well here I am again half way through the 2019 and not a single blog. What can I say - it's been a busy year! Let's go back in time to January. :) The new year started off a little rough for me having injured my back in a bad way. I didn't know at the time it would be nearly 4 months until I felt normal again and still, I'm just not 100% and don't know that I ever will be. But I haven't exactly been kind to my body over the years. Case in point, at the end of January I did a 10K with Erica despite having been laid up for the month. We had signed up months before and I couldn't stand to miss it because it was at the Kennedy Space Center on a shuttle runway! How cool is that? As hard as it was to bust out a 10K after a month of no exercise, we had a lot of fun and Erica ROCKED it! This year so far has been full of races for Erica and me. We've become quite the team in motivating each other to keep our butts moving whether it's a 5K, 10K, triathlon, o