New Year, New Us

Well here I am again half way through the 2019 and not a single blog. What can I say - it's been a busy year! Let's go back in time to January. :)

The new year started off a little rough for me having injured my back in a bad way. I didn't know at the time it would be nearly 4 months until I felt normal again and still, I'm just not 100% and don't know that I ever will be. But I haven't exactly been kind to my body over the years. Case in point, at the end of January I did a 10K with Erica despite having been laid up for the month. We had signed up months before and I couldn't stand to miss it because it was at the Kennedy Space Center on a shuttle runway! How cool is that? As hard as it was to bust out a 10K after a month of no exercise, we had a lot of fun and Erica ROCKED it! This year so far has been full of races for Erica and me. We've become quite the team in motivating each other to keep our butts moving whether it's a 5K, 10K, triathlon, or just a training workout. Watching Erica turn into a fitness buff has definitely been a highlight for me this year.

Gracie is continuing to thrive at Casa Montessori. She grew so much in her first year there and I can hardly wait for next year when Summer joins her. The two of them have become quite the pair. They are such sweet playmates (most of the time) and although we still seem to be adjusting to life with 2 kids, we've been able to make some sweet memories with them this year. Bart and I have also carved out more time for each other including an awesome experience at an outdoor obstacle course for Valentines Day! In general our goal for 2019 was the travel more, have more experiences, and start LIVING again after being in a baby fog for the last 4 years. Our first trip of 2019 was of course to California in March. Bart couldn't come with us but the girls and I had quite the trip splitting our time between Duarte and Oceanside. Even with the Roblee's house under construction, the kids had a blast playing together as usual. I can't get enough of seeing them form relationships with their cousins! The other super awesome part of that trip was that I got to run a 5K with Moggy! I didn't even realize she would have a 5K while I was in town and I've been dying to do a race with her. Such a happy surprise and she absolutely killed it! And it was not an easy race. Way to go, Mog!

April brought more fun with more day camping on our property, a special dinner boat cruise just for Gracie, and a trip up to Panama City Beach for Easter. The kids and I had never been to north Florida so it seemed like the perfect time to check it out! Sadly so much of the area still hasn't recovered from Hurricane Michael last October. The weather was pretty horrible as well with cold temperatures and high winds which led to some cranky kids! Thankfully, on Easter Sunday the sun came out, the temperature rose, the kids were in great spirits, and we were able to enjoy ourselves on that last day. The trip was far from perfect (or relaxing) and I think Bart and I both had (many) moments of "why the heck did we do this!" But in the end, the goal was accomplished - we made memories. Amazingly enough, I think the easiest part of the trip was the 6 hour car ride!

In TST news, Bart rented a second location for where he is keeping the dyno. He now can spend as much time as he wants "murdering bikes," as he calls it. He is still taking a break from racing to focus on work, family, and hopefully breaking ground on our house. We are SO close! :)

 After seeing me ice my back time and time again, Gracie decided she had a hurt back too. ;)

Yes. That is a booger.

Heading out for "brews and bowties" downtown.

Sorry Dad.


Happy Valentines Day!

Matching dresses from Auntie Kristy.

She gets her fashion sense from her cousin Alana.

Gracie built this shrine to....herself I guess?

My Mom - by Grace Rogowski

My Family - by Grace Rogowski

The runners!

Moms Club egg hunt!

Heading out to Panama City Beach!

We found this beautiful park mid way to Panama City where we stopped to have lunch and let the kids play both on the way there and the way back. It was absolutely stunning!

It took Summer all of an hour to break her face on the condo patio. Never fails! Ugh.

 Wine tasting at the Chart House has become our date night tradition. :)


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