Home Sweet Home...

Well, this post is sort of anti climactic I suppose being that I ruined the surprise by posting all of the house pictures on Facebook!  When Bart gets home with his nice camera, I'm going to take some pictures of the rooms he didn't get.  Particularly, the master bath! ;) But I'm finding that for all you Facebookers, my blogs are rather redundant. I'll have to work on that!

We are all moved into our beautiful new home and it is FANTASTIC! It's definitely been a bit of an adjustment.  As Bart and I are both learning, even a GOOD thing takes some getting used to!  It just doesn't feel like we deserve to be here.  It feels like we're in some sort of vacation home and at some point soon, we're going to have to leave!  But instead, we continue to wake up every morning to the beautiful lake and a nice, big, open space.  I've been home alone the last week, since returning from my recent visit home. After such an action packed weekend in CA with Dane's 5th birthday desert trip, it's been VERY weird having it be so quiet around here! In some ways I'm enjoying that and in other ways, I'm finding myself rather lonely and at times quite uncomfortable! Most of you have been following my tales of the wolf spider on Facebook, so I won't bore you with that again.  But for those of you who haven't, let's just say, I had THE most terrifying spider experience of my life a few nights ago when I came across a GIANT wolf spider in our bedroom, which then scurried (FAST) into our bathroom and into a small hole under the sink.  It became a 2 hour ordeal with the worst panic attack I've ever had in my life.  Bart did his best to keep me calm on the phone while our friend Jimmy made his way over (at 11:30pm) to handle it for me.  Unfortunately the spider had disappeared and after about a half hour of searching for it, he decided to plug up the hole with a bug spray saturated tampon!  The tampon seemed to do the trick until the exterminator could come 2 days later and fumigate inside the wall.  So far so good, but I haven't stopped living in total and utter fear that I will see this horrendous creature again at any moment.  VERY much looking forward to Bart being home! The constant fear is becoming a bit cumbersome. :-/

Aside from the horror that has become known as "Spidergate 2012", I have managed to keep myself quite busy this week amidst all the quiet.  Aside from getting a lot of work done, I decided to join a Meet-Up group to try and meet some new people and get out of the house a bit.  One of the biggest struggles for me since moving here has been making friends.  I tend to be a bit withdrawn when it comes to making friends and getting close to new people, so it's a real push for me.  But I'm working on it!  I went scuba diving with this Meet-Up group on Saturday in Blue Springs, about 20 minutes away from us.  It was my first fresh water dive and it was absolutely PHENOMENAL!  It's a beautiful lagoon like spring and there is a hole that you can dive into that has all kinds of caves to explore.  Unfortunately you can't really go in them (unless you have proper equipment) but swimming down into the depths of the hole was quite exilerating.  There's even a sign down there at about 75 feet with a picture of the grim reaper that says, "STOP!" And then proceeds to tell you that you will die if you go any further. So, we didn't. :) After coming up from the hole we did what's known as a drift dive.  We hovered just below the surface at about 4 feet and let the current push us down the river.  That was where all the life was! Tons of fish, including several long nose gar, and all different kinds of beautiful algae and other plant life.  It really was like no dive I've ever done before.  In the winter time, the spring is FILLED with manatees!  Not many this time of year though.  But there was a mama and baby that made their way into the area though, and it seemed like everyone in the park saw them but my dive buddy and me!  It was the talk of the park and we felt so left out.  So hopefully I get another chance soon!  But it was a great day and I met some fun people too!  Unfortunately, TSA stole both my GoPro Camera and my point and shoot camera out of my suitcase on my last trip home. (NOTE: NEVER CHECK ANYTHING VALUABLE! TSA AGENTS ARE A BUNCH OF SCUMBAGS) So I wasn't able to take any pictures on this amazing dive.  But I included some that were posted on the Meet-Up page by other group members so you can at least get an idea of the beautiful setting.

Today I decided to try out the local Nazarene church here in Deland.  It was definitely an experience. :) The people were very nice.  A small congregation of only about 40 people who all noticed the "newbie" right away and were quick to ask who I was and where I came from.  I enjoyed it very much, aside from the sermon.  I'm so used to Scott Daniels and his amazing talent for getting a message across.  So I was quite underwhelmed.  But it felt good to be in church, nonetheless.  When I got home I ended up striking up a conversation with our neighbors, Bob and Fran. They are an older couple who have lived here for 18 years and also have an online business!  They invited me in and we ended up chatting for 2 hours about EVERYTHING.  They are such nice people and made sure to let me know I can consider them my Florida parents. :) I feel so much better after talking to them.  I'm going to be spending a lot of time alone here since Bart travels so much.  Knowing I have neighbors I can go to for help, a chat, a spider killing or just a cup of sugar is such a nice comfort. 

Bart competed today in the final competition of the FLCPA series.  I will not delve into too much detail about his standings as he is not happy with his performance, of course.  But he is ALIVE and as far as I'm concerned, that constitutes a GREAT competition!  He'll be in Georgia for another week as Nationals is next weekend.  I'll be joining him on Wednesday and I can't wait!  Very much looking forward to seeing him again and watching him compete!

 Our home :)

 The lake

 Master bedroom


 The "great" room

 The beautiful Florida Room!

 I cooked a nice dinner for Bart that we enjoyed
in the Florida room over looking the lake :)

 Bart competing at the FLCPA comp at The Farm in Georgia

 Blue Springs

 Long nose Gar!

 ...and last but not least......THE TAMPON


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