The swooping continues...

Things have been fairly calm around here in the last week or so.  Fewer Kimgowski adventures and more WORK! I mean hey, we have to support our adventure habits somehow, right?  Bart and I both have some very exciting things going on in our businesses right now that will hopefully lead to some major growth!  More to come on that.

We did have a really nice time in Georgia though.  I joined Bart on June 13 for the Canopy Piloting Nationals at Skydive the Farm and had a great time watching him compete.  Most of the comps I've attended this year have been rained out or winded out.  But the weather that weekend was beautiful and they were able to finish the comp a day early.  Once again, I can't really delve into how Bart did.  As most of you have caught on by now, if he doesn't win, or at least place, he views it as doing TERRIBLE. I understand. (Or at least, I try to understand) But I'm sure you've also all caught on that being a woman, not really being all that competitive of a person but more so, being a WORRIER, when he makes it through a comp alive and well I think he did GREAT! :) And truly, he flew a really good comp.  But he had some stiff competition and the Farm is a tough place to swoop, being that the pond is surrounded by a very high tree line.  He made the best of it and put in some good runs!  This season has been a tough one for Bart, with the move and everything. He hasn't had much time or opportunity to train.  So even though he wasn't happy with his performance, I was glad to see him taking it in stride and realizing that it only means doing BETTER next year! I am very proud of all he has accomplished.  His perseverance and dedication to reaching his goal is admirable and inspiring.  And even though I sometimes struggle with the abundant presence of swooping in our lives, and the constant stress and fear that burdens my shoulders daily because of it, I'm happy to get to support him through the journey - because it makes HIM happy. VERY proud of him. (I can say that on here now because by the time he reads this, he will be in Germany, unable to scoff at me :) 

After we returned home from Georgia, we spent the next day just relaxing.  We went out and bought some beautiful flowers to re-do the garden in the Florida Room.  I think we did a very nice job. :) It's still not done yet as we have a few more flowers to plant.  But we also planted basil, parsley, cilantro, tomatoes and SUNFLOWERS! I'm thrilled about my sunflowers.  They are already starting to sprout!

We also had our first official guests this last week!  One of Bart's friends from NYC, Henry, and his girlfriend Lucy who lives in Australia.  Henry and Lucy had been planning a west coast to east coast road trip but were in need of a car to drive.  I was originally going to sell my Jetta because I didn't want to bother driving it across, but this opportunity was just too perfect! So they drove my Jetta from CA to FL, with only a few minor hiccups along the way, and arrived in about 10 days.  They spent 2 days here with us - we just hung out, ate some good food and hit up the beach!  It was fun to have our guest room occupied. :)

The other night we also had a lot of fun.  We went to dinner with a couple friends and over to a bar in town for a drink.  While in the bar, a sweaty, stressed, cracked out looking man ran up to us asking if we wanted comp tickets to see a comedian down the street at the Athens Theatre in 15 minutes.  So we said, sure!  Not knowing what to expect - you just NEVER know with stand up comedy - we took our place in the front row hoping to have a laugh.  The opening girl, bless her heart, was just TERRIBLE.  But then Rebecca Corry took the stage and I don't think we stopped laughing for the next hour. She was ABSOLUTELY HYSTERICAL.  Here's a clip I found of her doing another show.   (Warning: some vulgar language) 

She did some of these jokes at our show and I feel like she delivered better than she does in this video.  But you can still get an idea. It was a fantastic show.  Afterward we headed back to the bar and played a trivia game against other bar patrons until we won.

And now, once again, Bart is back on the road!  He's en route to Germany at this very moment for a swoop comp (of course). But the great part is, this time I won't be alone! I have two of my closest friends, Lindsay and Amanda, coming into town tomorrow to celebrate my birthday week with me!  Unfortunately tropical storm Debby is threatening to put a real damper on our week. So think dry thoughts!

In future news - Bart and I are REALLY REALLY hoping to take a trip to Europe at the end of August.  There is a swoop comp (of course) in the Czech Republic and we thought it'd be fun to take 10 days or so after it and see some sights!  I've never been to that part of Europe and Bart hasn't been back to Poland in many years.  So the hope is to go to Prague (a DREAM of mine), Poland and Germany.  I'd get to practice some of my new Polish skills! :) The problem is, airfare is super expensive.  But Bart bought his ticket to Czech last year within days of his flight and got a really good deal.  So as of now, it's a tentative trip that will be decided if and when the airfares make their way down to the sub $1000 range. FINGERS CROSSED!!!!

Also, I get questions from the family all the time about our travel schedule! So I thought I would include it here for reference. This is for you mom :)

6.26-7.2 - Bart in Germany  
7.26-7.30 - Bart in NorCal  
8.8-8.16 - Kimmy (possibly Bart) in SoCal  
8.24-9.7 - Kimmy and Bart tentatively in Europe  
9.26-10.3 - Kimmy in SoCal (9.28-10.1 on Mexico cruise) 
(Flights not booked yet for Thanksgiving or Christmas but will hopefully be home for both! But DEFINITELY Christmas!)

 Awesome shot. Wish I could take credit for it!

 I can take credit for this less awesome one though.

 Team -ism. Ignore the guy on the left.

The team getting some camera time :)

 Ahh yes. Dinner at sunset. (Take note of the garden pre makeover)

 I can't believe I'm posting this but it's just too good not to! When unpacking the house, I found my old retainers and wondered why everywhere I move, I always bring them with me. I can't bring myself to throw them out even though they don't really fit anymore!  But I decided it was finally time. Not before one last pic though!

There they go :(

Doin' some yard work!

 One of Bart's signature meals.  Chicken stuffed with cheese, egg, red peppers, onion, parsley and pickles. mmmmmm

 It wouldn't be a proper tiki lighting ceremony without being in your boxers.

 Evening time Florida Room. Enjoying the fruits of our labor.

 Our guests, Henry and Lucy.

 I bought a new wet suit online and it came with a hood. I didn't understand why they would just throw in a hood for no additional cost.....until I tried it on.

 My home made chicken noodle soup! Even boiled the broth!

 Of course, I have a collection of 48 bites in clusters like this ALL over my body.  The stinkin' noseeums! Of course, no one else around here seems to be getting bitten.  Just me. It's been pretty miserable.  They itch 20 times worse than mosquito bites and take roughly 2 weeks to go away! :(

We finally won trivia!

 Bart and Kimmy, just hangin' out.
No wait.  Kart and Bimmy.

 Finally got to take a proper bubble bath in the jacuzzi tub!

 The (almost finished) product :)

 We have a lot of lizards that hang out at the shop and at the house.  This particular one hung out on our bracket racks for quite a while!

 I forgot to post this a while back.  This was the day after Bart signed the papers.  
Toasting with some champagne :)

This was tropical storm Beryl.  Similar storm to Debby....bein' a little biatch.

My new hammock!


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