The fun continues...

Well, in the world of Kimmy and Bart, the stress levels seem to be getting lower by the day.  Birds are chirping again and the future doesn't look so uncertain. We're continuing to work on our warehouse,  getting it cleaned and set up.  It's so close, we just need to get all of our personal belongings out of there and we can put the final touches on it.  The idea of having a house AND having the warehouse set up sounds like such a dream.  It's been the dream for the past year, and to know we're so close now feels unbelievable! Soon we'll be able to just relax into a daily routine and establish a sense of normalcy that I have so desperately been craving!  (Continue to stay tuned regarding new and exciting details about our housing situation. I can't quite bring myself to write about it yet!)

We also, of course, have managed to squeeze in quite a bit of fun.  Bart is training for various competitions coming up so he's been jumping quite a bit.  He just returned from a competition in Raeford, North Carolina where he did very well! He placed 10th overall (out of 30 or so competitors), and he placed FIRST in the team competition with his partner Kelsey Mizeur, one of his swooping buddies. Unfortunately I had to miss this competition since SOMEONE has to stay back and run the businesses! ;) I always seem to miss the ones where he does really well.  I'm starting to think Bart swoops better without me! But that's ok.  He came back from the trip with a big smile on his face so it's ok with me. I also have been easing my way into jumping a bit more regularly again. It's a bit of an adjustment out here as it's often very windy and there isn't quite the big, wide open, obstacle free drop zone that I'm used to with Perris. And after everything that has happened in the last year, I've hit a bit of a "fear wall" lately with regards to skydiving.  It's been a real personal struggle for me.  Skydiving has been the source of some of the most insanely fun moments of my life and yet, it has also been the source of some of the saddest, hardest moments of my life.  So what does a person do with something like that? How does one deal with that kind of conflict? I'll let you know when I figure it out!!  But in the mean time, I'm jumping when I want to jump, and not jumping when I don't.  I'm trying to heed the advice of Pat McGowan who said, "the second that something doesn't feel right, don't jump!" So on those days that the fear is outweighing the desire to play, I let Bart jump for the both of us. We got to do a jump together the other day though that unfortunately, my GoPro didn't record because the battery was low.  But it was pretty hilarious, and very fun of course. How many people get to jump out of a plane with the person they love? I always cherish those jumps - they are my favorite.  And these days, I think I'm the only person left that can get Bart to actually go all the way up to altitude!
Yesterday, we headed on down to Daytona Beach for the 8th Annual Crawfish Festival! Daytona Beach has to be easily one of the top 5 cities for people watching.  I won't get into details because I'll probably just sound mean.  But let's just say, if you want to feel good about yourself, go to Daytona Beach! It was a fun festival though. We rode the ferris wheel, had a couple drinks and of course, ate plenty of crawfish! Tasty little critters! And today, Mothers Day, we decided to head on out to the shooting range to feel some power between our..........hands.  We had a great time! I definitely need to work on my aim, but Bart is pretty dang good (of course).  We realized today that our entire weekend was basically one big redneck date.  Crawfish festival and shooting range?  We officially live in the south! Fast forward a year from now and we'll probably be lookin' like them folks down in Daytona Beach!

The only thing that would have made the weekend better is getting to see my Moiiim.  I love you mom - and I will see you in 3 days! Happy Mothers Day!

Bart tearin' it up in Raeford!

A horrendous picture of myself, but still had to include it.

Slightly better :)

No explanation needed.

Guard goat.  Sees all.  Knows all.

We saw this in the window of a store in downtown
Deland.  It seemed only natural to take a picture.

Yummy lobster dinner with couscous and asparagus!

Having cocktails in Daytona Beach at the crawfish festival.

Riding the ferris wheel.  It was a pretty lame ferris wheel,
but made for some photo ops! :)

.......said photo op.

Poor mans lobster.

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a.....crawfish!

This was one of the targets that you could purchase
to shoot at. Apparently in Florida, racism doesn't exist. LOL!
(Also, notice Bart's hair)

We killed 'em dead!

A video of the action!


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