Girls Gone Mild

What a fun month! There's been a lot of action over here on the right coast.  We had tropical storm Debby thrash us pretty good toward the end of June.  We were pretty lucky where we are located.  No real damage just a LOT of rain!  I was getting worried that she wasn't going to move out before my girls week with Amanda and Lindsay!  But she did, and just in time too!

Bart left for Germany on June 26 for the British Nationals Swoop Competition. (Yes, British nationals in Germany) Unfortunately I don't have any pictures to show you from this comp as Bart is probably the only person in the world that travels to Germany and doesn't take a single picture! But he did have other things to focus on.  He placed 12th and had a BLAST!  That was the best part to hear.  He really enjoyed himself at this competition and came back with a great big grin on his face.

While he was away, two of my closest girlfriends, Amanda and Lindsay, came to visit me for my birthday!  We had a great time just relaxing, frolicking in the ocean, floating in the lake, basking in the sun, and drinking plenty of alcohol.  We had plans both to SCUBA and skydive, but due to an ear infection I've been battling, and I think partly due to pure laziness, we ended up doing neither and spent more time just relaxing.  It was so nice to spend the week chillin' out and spending time with the girls.  I think Lindsay summed it up best on her blog: "Only a few cat-fights, one pair of ruined glasses, a lost bathing suit, no hang-overs, a mere $60 worth of unused rented SCUBA gear, a new turtle named Sampson, one mild sunburn, a few karaoke duets, six days of poppin’ bottles, and an alligator head souvenir… I’d say it was a good trip!"  Yes, it's true.  All of it!  :)  Even in the few bummer situations we had throughout the week, we managed to have a great time.  It felt good to be with friends again.  As I've said before, I've become a bit of a loner since moving to Florida. I don't make or keep friends easily so I've found myself not even trying.  Which is not a good mentality to have as it can be lonely!  But in any event, having my two good friends here for 6 days was a nice change and made me miss home very much.

Bart returned from Germany the same day that I dropped the girls back off at the airport, and life resumed back to normal, sans friends.  But as usual, we've managed to have some more fun adventures, just the two of us.  We decided to take part in a sunrise skydive.  That meant getting up at 5am, which is NOT something I would ever chose to do unless it meant doing something REALLY cool.  A sunrise skydive seemed to fit the bill.  We did what is called a high pull.....exactly what it sounds like.  Exit the plane at 13,000 feet and pull!  It makes for a nice, long parachute ride and during the sunrise, it was so beautiful.  Unfortunately I spent a lot of the ride close to pooping my pants as Bart was flying very close to me which is something I'm extremely uncomfortable with.  After losing countless friends from parachute collisions, I guess it stands to reason.  I trust Bart, I just don't trust myself! But I'm trying to get better because flying your parachute close to someone else looks like so much fun...if you can get past the FEAR!  Below is a video I made of the jump.  The footage is not that great, and my head is darting around so much in panic, making it a bit shaky.  But a little Enya to cover the long string of profanity spewing from my mouth, and voila!  A nice, peaceful video.

Yesterday, after making a few skydives, I cashed in a 1/2 off Groupon and we headed out to Ponce Inlet for a jet boat ride!  This thing was pretty cool and the captain of the boat was hilarious.  He took us for a good ride.  It was an absolutely GORGEOUS day to be out on the water.  We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  Afterward we headed to the bar next door, had some drinks and food, and then came back to our house to float on the lake for sunset!  Sunset lake time has become our new hobby.  When the girls we here, we finally went and checked out the community dock, two properties over from our house.  Bart and I had been meaning to check it out for a while so I was glad we finally did it.  The girls and I spent almost every night out on the lake, floating on rafts with cocktails watching the sunset.  Oh and of course, jumping off the dock. :) I was so excited to show Bart this new form of relaxation.  And ever since, it's become a routine.  It's so amazing to be able to take a minute walk down the street and enter such a peaceful world.  And even more fun that we can float on the part of the lake that Bart owns! Lake Bart! How fun :)  The 4th of July was especially fun on the lake.  We floated in the water, cocktails in hand, while a few different neighbors set off some AWESOME fireworks right over our heads! It was definitely a unique fireworks experience - and a scary one too!

Check out some pictures and video from the last few weeks in Kimgowski land! Sorry for the quality of some of the photos.  Most were taken with cell phones and GoPros!

On their way!
 Having some shots of Viking's Blood at The Grotto, a local favorite of ours here in Deland.

 You can see we really enjoyed them...

 We went to Wet 'n' Wild for my birthday.  Definitely should've thought twice about going to a water park in Orlando in the summer time.  It was so crowded! But we still had a good time.

 Heading out for drinks at Mai Tai before going to see Magic Mike on opening night!

 Screen shot from Magic Mike.......yummy!

 Driving onto the beach in Daytona

 Lindsay: "My favorite part about being able to drive on the beach is that it means the ice cream man can drive on it too!"

 Frolicking in the nice, warm ocean :)

 Amanda's failed raft mount

 Jumping off the dock into the lake.  This didn't end very well....

 I love this picture.  Sunset on the lake!

 This was done with a panoramic iPhone app.

 We rented kayaks (well, I rented a hydrobike) at Cracker Creek and enjoyed some beautiful scenery and gator hunting.  Sadly, we were unable to locate a gator.

 This was our breakfast one morning.  A nice, healthy start to the day.

 We bought some (children sized) rafts and headed over to Blue Springs for some floating!  Blue Springs is a natural spring about 20 minutes away from our house.  It's a cool place for SCUBA diving as well as just relaxing. :)

 I included this photo that Amanda took because I think it's so pretty! This is the view from our bed. (The bed we take turns sleeping in, never together, Moggy) We wake up to this beautiful sight every morning! Although, I think Amanda was taking this picture to illustrate how bright the room gets in the morning making it difficult for her to sleep! Sorry Amanda!

 There is a real funky smell inside a gator head.  Just sayin'. 

Our new turtle, Sampson!  I thought Bart was going to be so mad at me for bringing this little guy home.  But he has been treating him like his own child!  Worried about him all the time, making sure he's's very sweet.  And kinda funny.

Getting ready to exit!

 This was a 3 way skydive we did with Steven, the intern that Bart hired to work for him this summer.  He's a really nice kid.  So this was our company skydive!  Nothing like falling out of the sky on your head to make you look as ugly as humanly possible.

 A snap shot from our sunrise skydive.

Jet boating!

THIS JUST IN! LADY MOTO LAUNCHES NEW SITE!  I have been working with Jan Plessner (an old friend of Mom & Dads and the Browns) to do some advertising on her new website, Lady Moto.  The soft launch is up! You'll see GKA ads popping up on various pages and she also included an entire feature on us that can be viewed under the "Features" tab.  Jan has been awesome in really wanting to help make GKA known to the female riders out there.  Hopefully together we can create some major success! Thanks Jan, it looks GREAT!


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