Off with a BANG!

2015 started quite similarly to 2014 - crazy fun with lots of excitement! By this time last year we'd gotten engaged, I'd run a half marathon, and had started rehearsals for Les Mis. This year I already have one show under my belt, did a 5K, busy season has already started ramping up at work and of course, we're in full blown baby mode!

In December when I auditioned for Boeing, Boeing, I definitely underestimated just how tired and distracted I'd be in my 4th and 5th months of pregnancy. The show was an absolute blast, but it really took it out of me! It's such an over the top farce that requires so much energy. Plus, my growing belly was getting increasingly difficult to hide! By the end, it was pretty much hanging out. What made it most fun though, was that I got to perform with a small cast and crew of some of my closest friends. No drama, no chaos, just fun, crazy comedy together on stage. If there was a show to do during that time, it was that one. Although it took a lot of energy, it really was a great experience and a great show to "go out" on seeing as how I probably won't get too much stage time in the near future. :) One of my favorite parts about doing a show is that it gets Mom and Dad in town for a visit! They came to closing weekend and aside from cheering me on in the audience, they also helped out quite a bit at home. We got the nursery cleared out and painted, cupboards cleaned and arranged....just lots and lots of "spring cleaning." Been meaning to do a lot of that stuff for like, 2 years now, so thank you Mom and Dad!!! It was so fun having you both here, as always.

Baby wise, we're right on schedule! So far it's been a pretty textbook pregnancy. Sick and miserable the first 15 weeks and feeling pretty great ever since. I'm very tired all of the time, that's probably the biggest issue with my second trimester. But other than that, I'm eating tons of steak salad and avocado, I feel good, little Gracie is moving like crazy, and we're just getting more excited/nervous/terrified/thrilled by the day! Finding out we're having a girl was such a fun experience. We really thought we were having a boy, for whatever reason, so that was definitely a shock! But it has settled in now and we're so excited! I can hardly wait to begin really putting the nursery together. I am definitely in nesting mode already!

Aside from that, we've been keeping busy with work, visits with friends, and spending time together. It's been a great time in our relationship (I think Bart would agree) as it seems like expecting a child together really brings you closer. Maybe it's natures way of bringing you close together before a baby moves its way in between you! But we're aware of the importance of spending time together and we're doing what we can to make that happen! Even if it's just cozy nights together on the couch.

There is a lot coming up in the next few months tho! A few trips out of town, visits from family and friends, and a big show with my singing group. And then, of course, Gracie's arrival! Things won't be slowing down any time soon so stay tuned!! Hope everyone is ready for spring. :)

 Filling out my pregnancy book. :)

 Only Dad takes pictures of a vacuum...

 ....or of someone cleaning a vacuum...

 Testing colors

 Painting the nursery!

 We nailed it even with no central lighting and a cloudy day!

 "Lemon Chiffon" :)

 My biggest pregnancy craving!! (Well, and chocolate)

 The ME STRONG 5K for cancer. The last time I will run a race pregnant. Not sure how women do that. So uncomfortable!

Here's a fun little baby bump progression!
 9 Weeks

 12 Weeks

 13 Weeks (and miserable)

 15 Weeks

 16 Weeks

 17 Weeks

 18 Weeks

20 Weeks

 21 Weeks

22 Weeks


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