Summer Lovin'

I remember when Gracie was born, and since it was June, I felt like I lost that summer. The whole season was eaten up with sleep deprivation and depression. It was so nice this year to actually get to enjoy our first summer with 2 kids! Swimming, beach trips, and trips to the splash pad kept us busy and cool. Gracie completed her third round of the Infant Swim Rescue course and spent plenty of time practicing her skills in the pool. While not swimming yet, Summer spent plenty of time splashing around and even got a pretty wicked tan. Ha!

On June 28 Gracie and I celebrated our 3rd and 33rd birthdays. Bart and I got to have a romantic dinner to celebrate mine and we threw Gracie a party with some of her friends. A good time was had by all, especially Gracie, who really latched on to birthdays this year with her own rendition of the song - "Happle You You." She has since learned it correctly but Happle You You is one of those precious Gracie-isms that will stay with me forever.

We took a couple trips out to our favorite Daytona beach house this summer. We've sort of adopted that house as our family vacations spot. It's so easy and so beautiful. The kids get to play in the sand while we get to relax and enjoy! We even took some family photos there to commemorate this time in our lives. They are some of my favorite pictures ever! 

In August we took a trip out to California to see family. As always, it was jam packed with fun in the sun, cousin play time, awesome food and wine, and catching up with all of our friends and family. An extra special treat was a visit from Bart's cousin who he hasn't seen since his childhood in Poland. It just so happened he was vacationing in L.A. while we were there so he and his friend stopped by for a visit. It's always fun getting to meet someone in Bart's family as it happens so rarely! We also got to stop by 601 and see all of the (incredible!) changes the new family has made. They welcomed us in such a sweet way and allowed us to make ourselves at home, so to speak. It was a wonderful way to get some closure on that HUGE chapter in our lives and experience 601 2.0 for all it has to offer.

As for Gracie, she kept busy this summer continuing her dance classes and starting soccer. Looks like she isn't going to be a soccer player after all, but we gave it a shot! That was a mom fail of epic proportions. At the end of August she started at her new school, Casa Montessori. So far it has been a wonderful experience and I'm thrilled we were able to get her started in Montessori education at this age. I'm hopeful it will be an excellent fit for her and for our family.

Summer has been growing and changing like crazy. She eats EVERYTHING, loves observing and mimicking everything Gracie does, and fills our days with comedy and plenty of frustration and worry. Her wacky hair and goofy personality get us through the tough days. She is definitely our fearless child and I'm bracing myself for what that may mean when she's older! For now we're just trying to keep her alive. ;)

Bart didn't get much riding in this summer since most of the tracks close during the hot months. But the business has been booming and he and Erica are doing an amazing job running the team and keeping us moving forward. Bart has designed some pretty cool products this year that have made a big splash in the aftermarket parts world. TST has really become something we could have only ever dreamed of. Sometimes I have to remind Bart to take a step back and really take it all in. I'm so proud of all he has done to grow this business the way he has. I'm looking forward to the day I can be more involved again!

I've been momming hard most of the summer and even joined the board of the local mom's club. I've met some really amazing moms in the process and it's been an incredible source of support for me.  I also found time to take up a new hobby - BOXING! In case you missed it, Erica has made her grand debut into the fitness world and pretty much hasn't stopped! I had been wanting to try out the new boxing gym for a while and after Erica got hooked, I decided it was time. It's become such a fun place to not only work out but spend time with friends and meet new people. 

At the beginning of September I got to take a quick trip BY MYSELF to North Carolina to visit my oldest and best friend Lauren to meet her new baby. Little Evelyn is about as sweet as can be and Lauren is taking to motherhood like a champ. I'm grateful I've been able to be by her side through this process as she learns to navigate her way through life as a new mom. Lauren, I'm so happy for you and Jason and the sweet family life you have created. I can't wait until our kids can play together and develop friendships like ours. And what a blessing to be on the same coast!

Believe it or not that was the short update of our first summer as a family of 4. The pictures tell the full story! Hopefully they bring back the feeling of warmth as we enter the winter time. :)

Gracie's first day of school vs. last day of school at First United Methodist

Gracie 2016 / Summer 2018

Just a little potty stop on the side of the road.


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